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Social login & feeds

Make the process of getting users on board simply fast. Increase your social presence by encouraging likes and shares

Connect with ease

Offer a WiFi connection easy to access. No more calls to the reception desk. Now, users can create their own username and password. Complimentary access. Connection in a blink of an eye.

You may wish to offer complementary services and amenities to guests, without requiring registration. Login will be seamless and quick. One click and your client will be connected.

Wi5Stars is Social

One-click connection via any of their favorite social networks (Facebook, Google, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, VKontakte). Wi5Stars offers users the chance to use their social network to authenticate quickly and easily.

– 9 out of 10 users surf the internet with their mobile phone.
– 3 out of 10 users look up the phone more than 50 times a day.

Increase the number of connections through the users’ favorite access mode. Use the social login!

Get more Likes & Followers on your Facebook page

More Like can provide an array of other benefits too, like more shares, posts, followers and traffic, as people will check out your entire account if they like what you share.

Use call to action.  If you want more likes on Facebook, you could consider asking them.
Getting more engagement on your Facebook page will benefit your business more than anything else you do. Give the best chance to your posts of going viral and reaching millions of people.

Guest WiFi Solutions