
Wi5Stars Printer


Quick, easy, ready-to-go and reliable. The printer is fully integrated with Wi5Stars. It can be connected to the network both via WiFi and cable. Add your logo, personalize texts and print your vouchers and cards in complete autonomy. It is multilingual. Thermal printer, durable and never without ink. It offers direct and fast printing up to 70 mm/second. Tough and robust design to guarantee reliability even in the most difficult environments.

Just one click to print a card or a voucher

Cards enable your guests to be connected in seconds by simply entering a predefined username and password. Alternatively, provide your guests with a unique digit voucher code.
The printing of vouchers is straightforward and intuitive. Simply press the F1 button and select what you want to print. Customize the brand, the text with instructions or use it to deliver advertising content. Multilanguage printing and connection via WiFi.

Guest WiFi Solutions